OVID’s April Releases: Peter Watkins’ “La Commune (Paris, 1871)” & more!
OVID, the curated streaming destination for documentary and art-house films, announces its wide-ranging selection of 34 films coming in April. Many of the films are premieres and available only on OVID.tv.
Popular This Week on OVID: Film Festival Favorites Including a Chilean Coming-of-Age Story and an Italian Comedy
Our viewer's top picks for the month of April, available to stream now on OVID.tv.
On the Hidden Beauty of Art: An Interview with Patrick Wang
Patrick Wang is a filmmaker living in New York. His latest feature A Bread Factory explores the role of art in everyday life and has been hailed as "a major new work by a singular American artist” (New York Times).
Anand Patwardhan on Religious Violence and Filmmaking
An Interview with Anand Patwardhan about religious violence and filmmaking.
Anand Patwardhan on Testing the Limits of Freedom of Expression
Filmmaker Anand Patwardhan's entire career has been about testing the limits. The documentary filmmaker, known for his unflinching gaze on issues that lie at the crux of modern India, has made 12 films over the past 40 years.
Anand Patwardhan in Conversation with Orwa Nyrabia at IDFA
A talk between IDFA’s artistic director Orwa Nyrabia and filmmaker Anand Patwardhan, after the European premiere of "Reason" at IDFA 2018.
OVID.tv Member Statistics through February 2021
An update on OVID’s membership (subscriber) growth through February 2021… The last time we posted this chart, we showed our member statistics with figures through the end of 2020. While the numbers were still increasing at the time, they were doing so quite slowly and were likely to flatten out soon because the “top level” number (of users including free trials) had not moved for several weeks.
More Than Movie Theaters: Why Aren’t We Talking About Exhibition?
The impulse of nostalgia, for a return to normal, is what I hear most these days, dominating Zoom meetings, indie film panels, business articles in the trades. Forced to address the sudden and severe disruption of distribution and exhibition, the conversational focus often drifts to ... movie theaters and whether audiences will go back. What I hear industry vets say, repeatedly, is that the theatrical business will rebound but the window (the time before the film hits VOD) will shorten. Yes, this has been true for 15 years. And there is so much more we should be talking about. I’m writing th
Discover India’s Leading Documentarian Anand Patwardhan
Starting on Friday, March 5th, OVID will present the complete filmography of Anand Patwardhan, for almost 50 years India’s most important – and to some, controversial – documentary filmmaker. Read the New York Times Magazine's recent piece on Anand Patwardhan.
Under the Hood of a Subscription Streaming Service
Two of the metrics that we look at to see how well OVID is doing—to get a sense of whether we’re moving in the right direction, or have a chance of surviving—are Conversions and Churn. This information is generally closely held in the SVOD business. In fact, we are not aware of any other streaming service which has released this data.