OVID’s March Lineup Presents 29 Titles and 13 SVOD Exclusives, with three early works from Jane Campion, guerilla filmmaking at its boldest in “Myanmar Diaries”, arthouse genre fare from Yellow Veil Pictures, and so much more!
OVID.tv, the curated streaming destination for documentary and art-house films from around the world, announces its wide-ranging selection of films coming in March 2023.
Ryan Douglass on “Author Selects”
Bookseller, art handler and writer Ryan Douglass on "Arguing the World"
OVID’s February Lineup Presents 32 Titles and 18 SVOD Exclusives Jia Zhang-ke’s “Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue,” a racial reckoning in Boston, a truly unique rom-com from South Africa, and more!
OVID.tv, the curated streaming destination for documentary and art-house films from around the world, announces its wide-ranging selection of films coming in February 2023.
“The Wobblies”, 1979-2023 – The Past is Present Again
Award-winning filmmaker and co-director of "The Wobblies" Deborah Shaffer on the making of the film.
Adventures in Lefty Cinema (or How I Learned That Films About the Past are Often Also About the Present)
An essay by SACCO AND VANZETTI and THE INTERNATIONALE filmmaker Peter Miller
OVID Subscriber Favorites – 2022 Edition
Read on for the most-watched films of 2022!